After 4 and 1/2 years of struggling with infertility...we are expecting our little one :-) We had prayed for, cried over, loved, and missed our child for years. In our weakness and doubt, God was faithful...Great is HIS faithfulness! In recent months, we felt like we were to stop the fertility treatments (that are overwhelming and pricey) and move towards adoption. We chose an agency and were working through the application process when we found out that I was pregnant--all on our own (not as a result of a treatment). I'll save you the medical details (e-mail me privately if you really want to know), but basically we were told that without intervention it was a medical impossibility for us to concieve. But now I'm just about 18 weeks pregnant :-) We've had some struggles (it has not been easy so far), and that is why we haven't been very public with the information. But this weekend we have our 18-20week ultra sound and if all seems well from that, we are going to share the news with everyone. We'll also hopefully know the gender of our little one. We are looking forward to proper pronoun use and getting the nursery ready :-)
Here are some of the first baby pics.... The first one is when we had our pregnancy confirmed. The baby is 8 weeks along. What looks like wings are either the hand buds or feet buds forming. We had this done on Good Friday--and a Good Friday it was!
This 2nd one was taken at an emergency ultra sound at 11 weeks. You can see the profile of the baby looking up. S/he is waving his/her hand in front of her/his face. This is my favorite image to date.
This final image is from a 13 week ultra sound. It was a test where they are looking for some genetic abnormalities, but all was well. James thinks this one looks like a sock monkey. I was having a contraction during the ultra sound, hence the lump the baby is laying on.
Our prayer for today "Lord, we praise You and thank YOU for this amazing miracle! Please be with the health of our little one. Let it continue to grow well and be safe. Lord be with our hearts. Keep doubts and fear out and fill our hearts with YOUR peace. In Jesus name I pray. Amen"
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